Whom Should You Hold Accountable For A Slip-And-Fall Accident At Your Apartment Complex?

When strolling through the common grounds in your apartment complex, you assume that the owner and construction contractor made the space hazard-free. Furthermore, the building owner has a legal duty of care to ensure people using the premises are safe. Therefore, when a slip-and-fall accident happens, it is not unusual to investigate it and determine whether someone else's negligent actions could have led to your injury and damages. You should know that part from the property owner, you could hold others accountable for the accident. Here are a few people your lawyer can help you investigate.

The Apartment Management Company

Most landlords will employ someone to manage their property on their behalf. Ultimately, the managers are responsible for ensuring everything works well for the tenants. As such, they should eliminate any hazards before someone gets hurt. Note that as long as the owner has given the property management full authority over all upkeep, the manager is responsible for promptly addressing any safety concerns that may develop. Therefore, your lawyer can pursue the management firm, determine where they failed, and help you sue them for your injuries.

A Fellow Tenant

In some circumstances, you might have to hold a fellow tenant responsible for your slip-and-fall accident. Note that tenants cannot clutter common areas with trash, groceries, or other items. Also, if they discover any dangers in their apartments, they need to report them immediately. Moreover, tenants have a right to enjoy their residences quietly, but they cannot expect the landlord or property management to address maintenance concerns without first hearing about them. Therefore, your personal injury law attorney can help you sue a tenant that failed to report a hazard or knowingly created the risk which led to the accident.

The Contractor in Charge of Maintenance

Many apartment complexes also have a maintenance contractor to care for the overall property. Hence, if an accident occurs on the property because a maintenance contractor hired by the owner or property management did not do their job, the contractor may be held accountable. Fortunately, as long as they are legitimate businesses, they should have insurance coverage. Therefore, your lawyer has the right to sue the maintenance contractor for any injuries you might have incurred on the apartment grounds.

These are some of the people your slip-and-fall lawyer from a trusted personal injury law firm can sue for compensation after your accident at your apartment complex. Consult a personal injury lawyer soon after your accident and start the process of getting justice for your claim. 

About Me

Always Be Prepared for Accidents at Your Apartment Complex

I live in a big city, and apartment-living is the only affordable option for me. I learned my lesson about apartment complex injuries one day when I tripped over a pothole in the parking lot, fell, and suffered a concussion. I didn't think about anything else at the time other than getting to the nearest emergency room. Once I returned home and was ready to report the injury to my building owner, they had already filled the pothole and denied that it ever existed! Now, when I notice any dangers in my complex, I take photos in advance to prove they existed to help myself and others later if they suffer an injury. I am now very determined to help others who suffer these injuries, so I decided to start a blog to share accident laws and tips that I am learning. Come back often to learn your rights!

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